Most aluminum curtain walls are virtually not much different than others like them. When they do differ, the curtain walls require custom-made dies to extrude the aluminum so that it meets the designer’s aesthetic, while supporting the glass securely and resisting wind loads. Our design-assist team can help you solve challenging curtain wall and glass issues by constructing a custom system specific for your project. Once your custom system is produced, Southern Walls & Windows will manufacture the parts for your project in our fabrication shop in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Custom dies often save money due to their job specificity. They eliminate any cost of redesign for prefabricated window or curtain wall shapes that can compromise your Architect’s unique design, and will comply with structural engineering requirements. Southern Walls & Windows can create a custom solution for profiles that conserve materials and cut costs.
We have thousands of custom dies on file. Contact us for replacement or maintenance of your old windows before starting over from scratch! We can manufacture most solutions in our facility or on site to reduce time and confusion of curtain wall assembly on your job site.